高管对公司决策影响的研究一直受到学者的广泛关注。现有文献主要从高管个体(如CEO、CFO等)或高管团队整体的角度进行研究。但将高管团队作为一个整体研究,隐含着一个重要假设——高管团队成员利益协同、目标一致。如果CEO与非CEO核心高管(Key Subordinate Executives)利益不一致,CEO的行为会受到非CEO核心高管的监督和约束吗?又会对公司决策产生怎样的影响呢?新加坡管理大学的Qiang Cheng、Jimmy Lee与加州大学欧文分校的Terry Shevlin合作完成的“Internal Governance and Real Earnings Management”对此问题进行了研究。我们对此文的核心观点进行简要介绍,希望借此推动对该问题的关注。论文全文请见The Accounting Review,2016年第4期。版权归原作者所有。
Internal Governance and Real Earnings Management
Qiang Cheng, Jimmy Lee, Terry Shevlin
We examine whether internal governance affects the extent of real earnings management in U.S. corporations. Internal governance refers to the process through which key subordinate executives provide checks and balances in the organization and affect corporate decisions. Using the number of years to retirement to capture key subordinate executives’ horizon incentives and using their compensation relative to CEO compensation to capture their influence within the firm, we find that the extent of real earnings management decreases with key subordinate executives’ horizon and influence. The results are robust to alternative measures of internal governance and to various approaches used to address potential endogeneity, including a difference-in-differences approach. In cross-sectional analyses, we find that the effect of internal governance is stronger for firms with more complex operations where key subordinate executives’ contribution is higher, is enhanced when CEOs are less powerful, is weaker when the capital markets benefit of meeting or beating earnings benchmarks is higher, and is stronger in the post-SOX period. This paper contributes to the literature by examining how internal governance affects the extent of real earnings management and by shedding light on how the members of the management team work together in shaping financial reporting quality.